

Participant and discussant on the Panel: “Transnational Elites in Global Environmental Governance,” and presenting the paper “Feeling the Heat? Transnational Climate Elites’ Emotional Persuasion”

With Marielle Papin, International Studies Association Annual Meeting, March 16, 2023

"A Normal Tourist Visit": Political Gaslighting as Emotional Manipulation

With Kimberly Tower, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 17, 2022

Chair and co-organizer of the round table Narcissism and Empathy in Political Leadership: The Importance of the Psychological in Understanding the Global

International Studies Association Annual Convention, 2022

Participant in the round table “Empathy, Trust, Political Leadership and the Challenges of Narcissism in International Relations”

Organized by the Institute for Conflict, Cooperation, and Security, University of Birmingham, 2021

Narcissistic Leadership Strategies: Recasting the Role of Narcissism for International Cooperation and Intervention

Annual UK Political Psychology Conference, 2021

Caving in or Feeling it? A Cognitive and Emotional Explanation of German Leadership in Recognizing Slovenia and Croatia

European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, 2020

Regulation Strategies for Conflicting Emotions: Obama’s Quandaries on the Red Line and the Fight Against ISIS

International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting, 2020

Cognitive-Affective Leadership in the Transatlantic Community: Economic Sanctions Against Russia in the Ukraine Crisis

European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Wroclaw, 2019

Iraq But Not That Iraq: Emotional Leadership in US strikes against ISIS

International Studies Association Annual Convention, Toronto, 2019

Leadership by Defection: Revisiting a Landmark Case for Liberal Cooperation

International Studies Association Northeast Regional Conference, Baltimore, 2018

Transatlantic Leadership on Sanctions against Russia in the Ukraine Crisis: Cooperation in Punishing a Rule-Breaking Power

International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, 2018

International Leadership as a Driving Force for Change

International Studies Association Annual Convention, Baltimore, 2017

En quête d’une politique étrangère acceptable: la rhétorique française lors des révoltes arabes

Congrès de la Société Québécoise de Science Politique, Québec, 2016

La Canada et la crise syrienne

Congrès de la Société Québécoise de Science Politique, Sherbrooke, 2014

Leadership, alignement ou opposition: les relations transatlantiques depuis la guerre en Irak

Congrès de l’Association Francophone pour le Savoir, Québec, 2013